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Online Meditation Course Booking


Online Meditation Diploma - Applications Open Now For February 2022 Course

This course is designed for those who want to deepen their own meditation practice and learn how to teach meditation safely, competently and with joy.

Overall aim of the course: To give trainees the tools and practices to teach and facilitate meditation.

Outcome: I can teach meditation safely and competently in a range of settings and have deepened and developed my own meditation practice.

Meditation practices: This course will help you develop and maintain a meditation practice, to give you the tools to use different meditation techniques and to deepen your practise.

Teaching skills: this module we will cover what makes a great teacher, the ethics of teaching meditation, finding your voice and your message, lesson planning, course planning and plenty of teaching practice so that you will find your voice and be confident in planning and teaching simple meditations.


Course participants will be asked to practise meditation at home throughout the course and keep a journal of their experiences.

This is 40 classes x 3 hours each = 120 hours.

20 hours teaching practise, 20 hours observations, 40 hours self practise.



Course Content

Module one:

Theme: Amamay Kosha

  • Preparing yourself for meditation
  • Preparing your environment
  • Preparing to teach
  • Learning to listen

Module two:

Theme: Manamaya Kosha

  • Breath awareness
  • Working with emotions
  • Working with the energy body

Module three:

Theme: Manomaya Kosha Continued

  • Establishing and preparing for deeper practices.
  • Meditation on thoughts
  • Reinforcing what has been learnt


Module four:

Theme: Vijaanamaya Kosha

  • Visualisation practice
  • Chakra meditation
  • Mantra & chanting

Module five:

Theme: Anadamaya Kosha

  • Meditation in daily life
  • Meditation on compassion
  • Working with your san kalpa
  • Planting seeds

Module six:

Theme: Anandamaya Kosha continued

  • Awakening your intuition & wisdom through meditation
  • Advanced concentration