
Tel: 083 8041873

Warm Yoga Flow is a lovely class that warms the muscles, allowing you to safely reach new levels of personal flexibility. Classes include deep stretching, balances, deep core Warm Flow Yogastrengthening, floor work and guided relaxation to release layers of tension and tightness.

We use infrared heat to warm the room to a scrumptious temperature of 27 degrees. Infrared heat is very therapeutic and promotes a stronger immune system, better cardiovascular health, and speeds up the healing process in soft tissue injuries such as tears, pulls, and sprains.

It is a natural way to aid aches and pains from arthritis, fibromyalgia and other health-related disorders. Providing relief to people suffering from chronic injury, illness or fatigue,
As a beauty treatment, it is said that the penetrating heat of infrared heat therapy works wonders by smoothing skin texture and reducing the appearance of crow’s feet, fine lines, and wrinkles!

This is a wonderfully flowing class with the same integration of breath and movement as Hot Yoga, in a warm room instead of hot. Explore a variety of postures through breath and movement, building strength, gaining flexibility and developing stillness within.